Tuesday, February 08, 2011

JamFest Super Nationals - Indianapolis

The BIGGEST Competition of the year - JAMFEST SuperNationals!!!
This was a real travel event! The gym chartered two buses and the teams
departed at 5:00 am Friday, January 14th headed for Indianapolis, Indiana
for the weekend.  They arrived in Indianapolis around 3:30 pm and immediatly
checked into their rooms and prepared for team dinners in downtown Indianapolis
and then they were off to the Indianapolis Convention Center for practices that evening.
Saturday morning they had breakfast at the Hotel and then off to the
Convention Center again along with about 475 other teams to compete
in the first day of competition.  Intensity had a little tumbling trouble on the
first day and had to come together to gain some ground on
their competition the second day of performances.
They left the Hotel a little earlier on Sunday morning to make a few changes
to their routine for the second day.  It paid off and they had a wonderful
performance and were able to gain some points on the rest of the teams
and raised their standings into the top 10.
After totalling scores for the weekend, they placed 10th in their
division.  Pretty impressive for a National Event where there were
about 500 teams competing from all over the country and Canada.
Keep it up girls - we are so proud of you!!!

Twisted Athletics

N 10 CT!
It was worth the travel excitement when the girls got to perform on Saturday in Bloomington, Illinois.  As usual they made us very proud and represented the gym very well. The Intensity Cheer Team placed first in their division and enjoyed getting to travel to new areas and experience different things. 

Most of the competition was from the Illinois, Indiana, Ohio area and I think the girls really enjoyed themselves.  They really looked good and have come a long way since the beginning of the season.


Well, if you haven't heard by now we had a little excitement with our travel to Bloomington, Illinois in December for the Twisted Athletics Cheer Competition. We were all enjoying a nice ride and we were just about 45 minutes from our destination as it started to snow and the next thing you know we were fish-tailing down the highway before losing total control and spinning down the highway and I was just doing my best to steer into the spins until we came to a stop.  Just before we came to a complete stop we were facing back into the traffic that was coming at us and another vehicle couldn't stop and struck the front end of the Jeep and spun us around one more time and we ended up in the median.  Somehow I was able to drive it out and we contacted the people that hit us and exchanged information before driving the remaining few miles into Bloomington.  As we were sitting at the traffic light waiting to turn into the Hotel parking lot - a young teenager was driving in the snow for the first time and unable to stop rear-ended us. YES... two accidents within about 30 minutes of each other.
Luckily there were no injuries to any of us involved and we were able to drive the Jeep home after the Cheer Competition without any further incidents.  We then took the Jeep into the local body shop on Monday to get it fixed as we just bought it in July and planned to keep it for a while.
After we went through the whole insurance mess and them finding out that there was more damage than we originally thought, they decided to total it and we negotiated with them for a few weeks about the value of the vehicle - we finally settled so we could get on with finding another vehicle since it is not practical for a family with two kids and all of their activities to just have one vehicle.  Wow - so much excitement in one weekend!