Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, this past weekend GAGE sponsored the DragonFest Cheerleading Competition in Kansas City, MO. All seven of their teams performed, but for exhibition only. They looked incredible and if they would have been able to compete - six of the teams would have won their category and the remaining team would have placed second.
They are getting ready for their last competition for this season, which will be the COA Nationals being held at Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City on March 29th. Once this season is over, they will start practicing and going through tryouts for next season. If Lizzy can get her Back Tuck perfected over the next couple of months - she may be able to move up to another level...

Lizzy - The All-Star Cheerleader

Lizzy has been very busy lately with her cheerleading competitions with the GAGE Purple Dragon Cheerleading Squad. Along with three practices a week, in January she competed at the "State Fair Spirit Classic" in Sedalia and then the "It's Time to Cheer" competition in Olathe, Kansas. They are so much fun to watch!!!!
Very impressive for 10-12 year olds...

We are so proud of you Lizzy!

Jumpin Jelly Bean

Kendall has been playing Basketball at BVAC in Independence for the past couple of months and he has really improved and learned the basics of the game this year. They have one practice a week, and one game each Saturday. We have started calling him "our little jumpin jelly bean" because he is always jumping around. His poor little feet never stop!
The first few weeks we called him "Defense" - because he would just steal it from the other team and pass it to the bigger boys on his team. The past few weeks, we have got him to actually shoot the ball too. He has made a few baskets this season, unfortunately one of them was for the other team.... We are so proud of him, he is a natural when it comes to any type of ball!