Sunday, May 15, 2011

What happened to my Little Girl...?

WOW - My Little Princess
Lizzy had her 8th Grade Formal at Brittany Hill Middle School on Friday night, and WOW - overnight we lost our little girl.  As always she amazes us with her abilities, not only did she look stunning - she proved to be a very mature young lady.  Fonda picked her up from school that afternoon and headed off to get her hair and makeup done and arrived home just in time to put her dress on as I presented her with her corsage and off for some pictures with a few friends before the dance started.  After the dance several classmates gathered at a friends house to continue the fun for a little longer.  Following that party, Lizzy had a few girls over to spend the night.
Friends being Friends

With these kids about to wrap up another school year - they are about to make some big changes moving over to the Blue Springs Freshman center with about 1200 other Freshman from the district.  Many new challenges will be ahead but I have no doubt these kids can handle whatever they are faced with and I am very proud of them and what they have accomplished so far.

Great start....

Single - Right back up the middle
The Xtreme Baseball Team picked up where they left off from the pre-season tournament and won their first double header against the Irish on Tuesday.  They had a great outing both offensively and defensively with some new players stepping up and making some key plays.  Kendall played shortstop again the first game and started in the outfield for the second game until we got behind a little and then the coaches decided we better bring the solid infield back together to hold the Irish offense back while we scored some runs.
Rounding second base looking for the Third Base Coach.
Getting out of the gates...

Burning up the base paths...