Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Go Tigers!

Kendall just started his first year of Machine Pitch Baseball as part of the Blue Springs Little League Program. He was drafted by the Tigers and truly loves playing the game! Unfortunately the last two games have been rained out so he is looking forward to getting back out there and showing off his talents. I know it may just sound like a proud Dad talking about his son - but he is a natural at this sport. He was so ready to move up from T-Ball and has made the transition to machine pitch without a hitch. He is a star at the plate as well as in the field.

Let's Go Tigers!

Our All-Star

Lizzy spends all year working out and practicing at the Great American Gymnastics Express (GAGE) with her All-Star Cheerleading Team. She was a leader on the Sizzle Team this year and again made us so proud with her leadership and talents. Although they had somewhat of a disappointing Competition season, she is very dedicated to being the best.
Not only does she practice 6 hours a week at the gym for Cheerleading, she is on Student Council at Brittany Hill Middle School, Second Chair Flute in the 7th Grade Band, BHMS Volleyball Manager, and very active with BHMS Forensics Team. We are so proud of her in everything she does.

The Little One...

Well, I haven't posted in a very long time but I thought I would post a few updates to keep you up on what the kids have been doing.

During the winter Kendall played Basketball at BVAC with a few of his friends from his football team. You could tell that they moved up a level and were the younger kids of this age division as they were the smaller and less experienced players in this years league. They still had a great time and learned some valuable lessons about the game and Team Sports.

Kendall always makes me so proud no matter what he is involved in as he gives it 110%. He may be one of the smallest guys on any team but gives it everything he has at all times.