Thursday, August 03, 2006

Vacation Photos

One day of our vacation we visited
the Deanna Rose Farmstead in
Overland Park.
The kids love to feed
the animals and spend
time in the
play area. This time we also took
the time to fish in the pond - that
was sure messy,
but both kids caught
lots of perch and had a
good time.
A fun, cheap afternoon of entertainment.

We also spent a some time feeding
carrots and apples
to the Elk and Bison
near Missouri Town. Both of the kids
love animals of all kinds. It is pretty
cool to
see them up close. We could
only get two of the Elk to come to the
fence and about a dozen of the
Bison came up at the end.

While at the Lake of the Ozarks,
Kendall caught this nice catfish
off of the dock. Both kids had been
catching some perch and then when
Kendall hooked this fish I could tell
it was a better fish. Besides us being
stopped by the Water Patrol
(Policeman Boat), it was his
highlight of the trip to the lake.

Lizzy got to drive John's Boat a
couple of times, there was no doubt
that was her favorite thing of the
whole trip. She couldn't quit smiling
when she was behind the steering
wheel on that big old lake.....

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back Online...

Well, it has been a few weeks since I have been
able to post any updates to our family site.
Our internet service was interrupted for almost two
weeks and since the service was repaired I have been
playing catch-up with as many photography issues as possible.

A few days before Fonda was to start her vacation we had our
air conditioner freeze up and the first repairman just thought it
was a slow leak and advised us that filling the freon would
probably get us by for a few years... Well, three days later it froze
up again. The next repairman took the time to find the leak and
gave us the bad news that it was going to have to be replaced.
Just the news you want to hear when planning a vacation???
After two and a half days of looking for a new unit in a house
without air, we found a unit that would replace what we had
and we were back in business. I don't know how people do it
without air conditioners in Missouri during the July heat and humidity.

During the last few days of her vacation we got the chance to spend a
few days at the Lake of the Ozarks with John, Ramona and Kaiya.
They brought their boat and we spent two full days on the water.
We all had a great time and it was very relaxing.

Well, Fonda has been working lots of overtime due to her
taking a week off and then it being the end of the month...
Just before she left for vacation her files were in the best condition
they have been in for a very long time. She lost all that
ground while she was gone on vacation.

Kendall is still wound-for-sound. He never stops!
We bought him a Razor Scooter a few weeks ago and he
rides that thing like the big boys. He has been riding it as we
take our walk around the sub-division and it is so cute.

Lizzy is gearing up for school, we have picked up all of her
school supplies for the Fourth Grade - yes, I said Fourth Grade.
It does not seem possible! She has had a pretty good summer
and we still hope to do a few more fun things before school starts.

Speaking of school starting, I have to go back to work after
having a whole month off. We had our annual Fall Training
last week in Sedalia and the next two weeks we will be calling
on schools to confirm our schedules and taking Staff Group Photos.
Then we have a couple of schools that do Enrollment Pictures and
the week of August 21st we will start shooting school photos every
weekday and Fall Football and Soccer leagues on Saturdays.

Fonda and I have photographed a few weddings the past
two weekends. It has been lots of fun, but it takes it out of you
when you haven't done them in a while. We have one more
wedding in a couple of weeks and I will start shooting High School
Football on Friday nights in September, I can't wait!

I will add some more photos in a few days...