Sunday, May 29, 2011

Xtreme vs. Panthers

Mother Nature finally eased up a little and allowed us to reschedule our games with the Oak Grove Panthers friday night from the rain out last week. You could tell that it had been over a week since we had any live action as they looked a little rusty both at the plate and in the field. It was a cool, dreary night and it was just hard to get into the baseball frame of mind - it was much more like football weather.
Kendall had a pretty good night other than taking another hard hit ball off the right shin.  He was playing pitcher at the time it was a line drive shot right at him with very little time to react.  After a few minutes of attention by the coaches he stayed in the game but moved over to play second base for the remainder of the game.  He is a pretty tough little guy!  Overall the Xtreme didn't fare so well - they dropped both games.  Hopefully they will come back next week after the Memorial Day weekend a little more focused and ready to play some baseball.