Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sledding Fun...

Our little daredevils talked me into taking them sledding
this morning while we had some good snow on the ground.
So we bundled them up and headed to the local sledding hill
at the Middle school where they both had a great time.

Kendall was like the Energizer Bunny...
He just kept going and going and going!

He was such a sport and kept climbing the hill for
more even when he would tumble down the hill.

Lizzy liked spinning around and around all the way
down the hill (she's a little dizzy most of the time anyway),
and going down head first until she took on a face full of snow.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Let it snow...

Well, we got our first good snow of
the season (is there really such a thing?).
I think we received just over 8 inches at our
house and they are reporting up to about
15 inches or so near Sedalia, Missouri.

Lizzy has been out of school Thursday and Friday
because of the weather, and both of the schools that
I have been scheduled to photograph these two days have
been cancelled too. This gave me the weather I wanted to
photograph our house with the Christmas Lights
all lit up. I hope to get out later today to take
some other scenics in the snow too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas in the Sky...

On the night before Thanksgiving,
Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department
had it's Annual Christmas in the Sky Fireworks Display
at Longview Lake. This is the kickoff to the Christmas Season.
Following the fireworks, they open the Festival of Lights around the
Longview Lake Campground and with the unbelievably warm weather,
the turn-out was crazy. We ended up parking along the road
and walking down towards the lake to view the fireworks.
We all had a good time and Kendall and Lizzy
really enjoyed the Fireworks.

Thursday we had Thanksgiving Dinner at our house
and enjoyed having the family together for the day.
Fonda and Ramona fixed an awesome feast and
we all spent the day around the house while the
kids enjoyed playing outside in the 60 degree weather.
Ramona and John left for the Chiefs game and
after it got dark we went back to the Festival of Lights
to view the Christmas Lighting Display - it was just
too busy Wednesday evening to fight all the extra traffic...

Friday, I got up early (2 a.m.) and went out on my
Annual Black Friday Shopping Spree. I ended up
getting what I had hoped for and made a
good start on the Christmas shopping list.