Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Training Wheels

After a few weeks of Kendall riding his bike with the training wheels barely touching, he pulled into the driveway tonight and the neighbor said "Kendall, I think you're ready to take those training wheels off aren't you?" He looked at me and shook his head as a yes, so I immediately hopped up and we took them off. I ran along side him the first two times up and back in the cul-de-sac and he hasn't looked back since....


He spent the next thirty minutes riding up and back in the cul-de-sac with the bigger kids with the biggest smile you could ever imagine.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Another busy weekend

First of all we had a great 4th of July, we didn't do anything too spectacular - just stayed around here and spent some time with friends. Tuesday we had our annual gathering in the cul-de-sac, and Wednesday we spent the evening with the Isaacks Family and some of their friends.

Then the kids spent a few days at Grandma Betty's house while some of the cousins were in from Indiana. Fonda and I were lost without kids for two nights in a row, then we went down to pick Kendall up Saturday afternoon to go to a Demolition Derby in Clinton that night. After the Derby, we stopped back by Grandma's House to pick up Lizzy and we came on home.

After sleeping in a little on Sunday morning, John and Mona called to see if we could go out on the boat for a little while. I already had plans to photograph a few baseball games for some of the neighbor boys, but Fonda and the kids got to enjoy some time on Lake Jacomo with John, Mona and Kaiya. They went for a nice boat ride and got to swim in the lake too. Lizzy had to stop early due to Cheer Practice, but it sounds like they all had a blast.

Lizzy is attending Vacation Bible School this week and Kendall has another T-Ball game tonight, so it just keeps on going... before you know it Summer will be over!