Friday, May 30, 2008

Let's Lock them Up!!!

Well - Lizzy made it through the 5th Grade and gets to move on to
Brittany Hill Middle School next year unless we decide to
lock her in her room until she turns, let's say..... 30 years old.

Lizzy and six of her friends hosted a year-end party this afternoon
where they invited a total of about 40 of their classmates
to Celebrate the end of Elementary School. The boys brought a
bag of Chips and the Girls brought a bag of Candy to have during
the party and we had lemonade and water to keep them cool.
We had a friend of ours DJ the party and lead them through
some dances to get them involved. I think the Electric Slide,
YMCA and the Macarena were the most accepted and the boy-girl
dances were the flop - I guess they were scared of each other....?
Anyway, I think everyone had a good time and we
enjoyed watching the kids have fun! Congratulations Kids - and Have a Safe Summer!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Preschool Graduation!

Congratulations Kendall, You did it!!!
Kendall had his year end music program and Preschool Gradutation tonight. The night started with a T-Ball Game in Independence at 5:30 and we played until the bottom of the last inning when we left early to get to the church in time for the program. He changed clothes in the van and they sang about a dozen very cute songs that Miss Tammy (the music teacher) has taught them this year. After the singing, the students that will move on to Kindergarten had a graduation ceremony and each student was reconginzed individually. The night ended with a short Cookie and Punch Reception. He will actually get to start Summer School next Tuesday for the Month of June, then he will have the month of July off and then will start Kindergarten at Lucy Franklin Elementary School in August.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

DARE Graduation

Congratulations Lizzy - You make us so Proud!

Lizzy had her DARE Graduation at Lucy Franklin Elementary on May 23rd

During the 13 week course they learned about the Drug Awareness Resistance Education program sponsored by the Blue Springs Police Department. The fifth grade students learn some very valuable information about Drugs and Alcohol and the peer pressure that they will face regarding these hazardous items before they graduate to Brittany Hill Middle School in a few short months. Towards the end of the course each student wrote an essay about the DARE Program and what they learned about Drugs and Alcohol and one essay from each of the 5th Grade Classes was selected as the winner and they were asked to read their essay during the Graduation. Lizzy wrote the winning essay and was selected to read her essay from Mrs. Seigler's class. She read her essay in a record time as she was very nervous to read it in front of a large crowd of about 120 other students, 100 parents and many teachers, school administration and police officers.