Well, another substantial snow...
We had tickets to see the MonsterJam Tour
at Kemper Arena Saturday night and we were
afraid we were going to get snowed in while we
were there, but by the time we came out we had
about 4-6 inches of snow on the ground and it just
made for a slow trip home. Kendall had a great time
and liked the Black Stallion and Grave Digger
We had tickets to see the MonsterJam Tour
at Kemper Arena Saturday night and we were
afraid we were going to get snowed in while we
were there, but by the time we came out we had
about 4-6 inches of snow on the ground and it just
made for a slow trip home. Kendall had a great time
and liked the Black Stallion and Grave Digger
trucks but liked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
truck the best.

We received about 6-8 inches of snow total
and it was lots of fun playing in it this morning.
Kendall has been sick lately so we didn't get to go
sledding or anything this time, but I did take the
time to build a snowman and let the kids decorate
her while I shoveled the driveway (that doesn't
seem to be a fair trade) and they had a good time.