Well, I had a great Fathers Day, and I hope that everyone else did too! I spent most of the weekend installing a sprinkler system in our front yard. After having a few minor issues with the original plan, we are now in full operation and I can't wait to water without dragging that darn water hose around the yard...
We were able to spend Sunday together as a family and spent a few hours at the Kansas City Zoo. It was a HOT summer day and the kids (well, we all) wore out in a hurry, so after seeing half of the Zoo, we decided to head home and we would see the other half the next time...
Kendall always enjoys feeding the sheep and goats...
(I think he made a new buddy)

Since it was Father's Day at the Zoo, Dad's got in FREE and they had a few of the local Sports Team Mascots out on the grounds as an extra bonus. See the photos of the kids below.
Kendall and Lizzy with Sizzle:
(KC T-Bones Minor League Baseball Mascot)

Kendall and Lizzy with KC Wolf:
(Kansas City Chiefs Mascot)

Kendall and Lizzy with Slugger:
(Kansas City Royals Mascot)

Being the past queen, Lizzy spent Saturday at the Leeton Queen Contest helping a couple of the different age groups prepare for their runway walk and interview. She enjoyed being able to help and I am sure that she done a wonderful job, she has become quite a little lady! Thursday night she has to crown the new queen of her age division to start the 2006 Leeton Fair. Although she has enjoyed being a queen, I don't think that she is quite ready to give up that title. So I guess she will always be the queen around our house....