For those of you that have already heard about our Family's excitement over the weekend, I thought I would pass along a few pictures to put it into perspective. If you haven't heard already, Kendall had a Basketball Game in Independence on last Friday evening and on the way home from the game Fonda and the kids along with one of Lizzy's friends were just a mile or two away from the gym when they smelled something hot and almost immediately the van filled with smoke. Fonda was able to roll down the windows and clear her vision enough to pull over in the next driveway to check things out. By this time there was melted plastic dripping from underneath the dash and soon it was shooting sparks out from under the dash. She was able to get the kids out of the van and into a nearby field at a safe distance and she started getting other personal belongings out of the van as she stomped out the sparks that were falling to the floorboard. A very nice couple stopped and allowed the kids to sit in their truck and he helped Fonda put snow on the sparks and floorboard to keep it from catching on fire. It gradually got worse and by the time the Fire Department arrived the van was fully engulfed in flames and all they could do is sit back and be thankful that they had the time to get out without any harm. It was about 5 degrees outside so we are thankful that someone had stopped to help keep the kids warm. Once the fire was put out, Fonda and the kids got to sit in the Fire Truck until the Tow Truck came to haul it away. Unfortunately, I was in Sedalia taking Youth Basketball Pictures so I was not there to help. Fonda called John (our brother-in-law) to come pick them up and he got them home safely. We are very lucky to have a great family that has offered us to use an extra vehicle while we try to find a replacement. Unfortunately, we can't do very much at this time - but Fonda does need a reliable vehicle to get the kids to daycare and to and from work everyday. If you know of anyone that has a reasonable, reliable vehicle for sale - please let us know. Or if you have any contacts that may be able to help us find something, please let us know. We would appreciate any help that we can get at this time.