Sunday, August 20, 2006

First Concert...

We recently surprised Lizzy with tickets to
the Carrie Underwood Concert at the
Missouri State Fair for Friday Night...

It was so hard to keep this secret because we
have had the tickets for a couple of months
and didn't want to tell her until closer to time
so she didn't drive us crazy until the concert.

Well, we bought one extra ticket for her to
take a friend and since the concert was
scheduled on the second day of school,
we decided to take them out of school after
lunch and spend a few hours at the fair
before the concert. It was Hot, but Fun!

Fonda and Lizzy had made them cute
little shirts to wear and they were the
talk of the Fair that afternoon before the
concert. Everyone loved them!
After the Concert was over, Carrie came
out to the Souvenier Table and signed
numerous items for the fans...
Lizzy and her friend had their shirts
signed while they were wearing them,
and we also had her sign their concert
shirts that we bought at the booth.
To say the least, the girls were flying
on cloud nine the rest of the weekend!

It was very exciting to take the girls to
their first concert and it be an
experience that they will never forget!

Back to Work!

Well, it's that time of year again - school is back in session and that means I gotta go back to work... To tell you the truth, I am ready! I like the time off, but I can only find so much to do to keep me busy through the summer and then I am ready to go back to work.

First Day of Fourth Grade!

Lizzy started the Fourth Grade on Thursday and after a nice summer, I think she is ready to tackle another year too. We got to visit her Classroom and meet her Teacher last Wednesday evening and it looks like she should have another great school year. It does not feel like my little girl should be in the Fourth Grade! Before you know it she be headed to College!