Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Blue Springs Cardinals

Take me out to the Ballgame!!!
Kendall had his first T-Ball game of the season last night and made Mom, Dad and Lizzy very proud. He started off playing at second base and only had one ball come to him but made the play and recorded the out. During the Third and Fourth inning, Coach Rick moved Kendall over to play First Base and he had the first ball come right to him as a line drive and he knocked it down with his glove but was unable to make the catch in the air as I think it startled him. After that, he caught a few throws from other fielders to make the three outs that were needed each inning. The next inning Kendall played Pitcher and did a wonderful job, fielded almost everything that came his way and made some great throws to first base. The last inning, Kendall played catcher so he didn't get much action but he sure looked cute in that catchers mask. He had four great hits and made it on base every time he batted.
After the game, coach huddled them up and told them all how proud he was and decided to give the Game Ball to Kendall as the MVP of game one. He wants to write the date on it and put it on his dresser with the rest of his trophies and medals.
Go Cardinals!!!