Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer Update...

Well, I have my last Youth Ball League to photograph for the season tonight at Whiteman Air Force Base and then I will have almost a month off of work. It is nice to have some time at home to get things done, but it makes it tough on the finances for a few weeks. I will go back to work taking Senior Pictures in late July and then spend the first two weeks of August making the rounds taking staff group pictures. Then by the middle of August we will be taking Fall School Portraits every day and doing sports teams after school and on the weekends. We added two large school districts (Warrensburg and Clinton) to our territory this year so we are going to be stretched on our schedule even more than in the past. I am looking forward to the new challenges and experiences that we will encounter with the extra work load.

Kendall has just three more T-Ball games. He is really enjoying the season and asks every day "do I get to play T-Ball tonight?" I think most of the team is getting a little more tired though, I am seeing a lot more playing in the dirt and rolling around in the grass than I saw earlier in the season.
Lizzy has Stunt Camp at Cheerleading this week, so she is missing a few hours of Summer School on Tuesday and Thursday morning. I'm starting to think that as much time as she spends at Cheerleading that she might as well just move her bed up there... Oh well, she is really enjoying the whole learning experience and meeting lots of new friends. I can't wait until the competitions start.

Fonda is enjoying her new job although she is meeting new challenges every day. She is gearing up for a Grand Opening towards the end of July, so she is trying to get the store layout how she likes it and more inventory ordered to fill the store before school starts. If you are in the Blue Springs area stop by to see her at The Little Teachers Store at 1006 West Main Street.