Tuesday, May 27, 2008

DARE Graduation

Congratulations Lizzy - You make us so Proud!

Lizzy had her DARE Graduation at Lucy Franklin Elementary on May 23rd

During the 13 week course they learned about the Drug Awareness Resistance Education program sponsored by the Blue Springs Police Department. The fifth grade students learn some very valuable information about Drugs and Alcohol and the peer pressure that they will face regarding these hazardous items before they graduate to Brittany Hill Middle School in a few short months. Towards the end of the course each student wrote an essay about the DARE Program and what they learned about Drugs and Alcohol and one essay from each of the 5th Grade Classes was selected as the winner and they were asked to read their essay during the Graduation. Lizzy wrote the winning essay and was selected to read her essay from Mrs. Seigler's class. She read her essay in a record time as she was very nervous to read it in front of a large crowd of about 120 other students, 100 parents and many teachers, school administration and police officers.

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