Well, after lots of praying and looking around the area we finally found a Minivan that was in our prince range that we felt comfortable with. I have been looking very hard for the last few weeks and was starting to get very frustrated because all I was finding was either junk or vans that were priced just out of our budget... I had hit every dealer, used car lot, individual and internet source that I could come up with and nothing seemed to fit our needs. Finally, last Thursday night while I was searching the internet I had noticed a 1999 Ford Windstar MiniVan For Sale that was priced in our range and was listed by an individual just south of Sedalia and I happened to be scheduled to take school pictures at Lincoln Elementary on Friday morning. I called the individual and asked if it was still available and if he would be around when I got done in Lincoln for me to stop and look at it and he said he would make a point of being home if I would call as I left Lincoln to give him a few minutes notice. I stopped by and I was very pleased both with the way it looked and the way it drove so I called Fonda and told her what I found and had her do some research about the model and what it was worth. The owner had it listed in a local newspaper for $3995 two weeks ago and didn't get a single call all week, so the next week he dropped it to $3500 and still didn't get a call on it. He decided to drop it to $3000 and got a few calls but nobody ever showed up to look at it and that is what he told me he wanted out of it when I test drove it, so I told him I would have to bring Fonda down over the weekend and let her check it out. After researching the model and features - it was valued at $4750 on Kelly Blue Book so we thought if we could get it for $3000 we were getting a pretty good deal. We went down on Sunday to let Fonda see it and she drove it and was as pleased as I was so she offered him $2600 and he said that he couldn't do anything less than $2800 - so we ended up getting it for the $2800. We both think that our prayers and patience have paid off - we ended up finding something that we could feel good about and still be within our budget!!! It is very clean with just a few minor scratches on the exterior that we are alright with - so Thank You for everyone that has been praying for us - our prayers seem to have been answered in this situation. I spent the morning getting insurance, taxes and license all taken care of so it is ready to drive.

We were able to return the Ford Explorer that Fonda's Brother and Sister-in-Law were so kind to let us use while we were looking - it was so nice to have the extra time to look and find a good deal and not be rushed into a purchase that we were not comfortable with. THANK YOU!
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