Monday, September 29, 2008

Touchdown - BEARS!!!

Kendall and the rest of the Kindergarten Bears had their best game of the season Friday night - they are starting to grasp the concepts of what they need to be doing when on Offense and Defense. You can tell that they are not as timid on the field and becoming much more aggressive on both sides of the ball. On their second offensive possesion, Kendall took a direct snap from the Center and took the ball on a run to the left and got outside of the line and turned it upfield for his first touchdown of the season. It was so cute, and he was grinning from ear to ear all the way back to the huddle. I don't know who was the most proud of him, as happy as he was - I think his Daddy was the most excited.
This week Coach Brian made a change by lining Kendall up as a Defensive End instead of at Cornerback and he got in on much more of the action. They are really getting so much better and I can't wait to see how much they have improved over the course of the entire season.
Kendall chases down the Running Back for the Brigade during the first half of Friday's football game.
Congratulations Bears - We are so proud of you!

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