Friday, August 12, 2011

Family Vacation

What a busy year! We stopped long enough to notice that the summer was almost gone and the kids were scheduled to go back to school in a couple of weeks and we haven't even done anything as a family this summer.  Looking ahead at the next couple of weeks we decided that we had to make something happen right away or we were not going to get it done this year at all. 

Grandma Marge has been wanting to take the grandkids to see the Noah's Ark Musical at Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson for over a year, so we decided that since the show ends in October that it was now or never.  We packed up and headed to Branson on Thursday afternoon and took Grandma and Grandpa and Kaiya with us.  We spent all day on Friday at Silver Dollar City riding everything in the park several times.  The kids had a blast but you could tell after 12 hours of walking the hills and standing in lines they (we) were starting to get tired.  We headed back to the hotel where John and Mona came down to meet us for the show the following day.  Saturday morning we got up and went to the outlet mall for a while to fight the crowds, forgetting it was the tax-free sales weekend in Missouri.  We were able to find some great deals and picked up a few things for the kids to start back to school.   After lunch we arrived at the theatre for an incredible show that amazed everyone.  The live animals and set were amazing to see in person.  After the show we started the trek back home for a day of catching up before everyone had to go back to work.  It was a very nice trip and was something that we all will remember for a long time.

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