"Puppy Dog" eyes talk you into getting a Cat?

Paige 2 is her real name but we just call her Paige,
she is a 4 year old Showshoe Balinese
and she already fits in around here very well......
she talks all the time.
Paige 2 is her real name but we just call her Paige,
she is a 4 year old Showshoe Balinese
and she already fits in around here very well......
she talks all the time.
Grandma and Lizzy feed the Goats in the Petting Zoo area.
Kendall and Kaiya Race Tricycles on the Race Track.
We decided to go ahead and sell the kids -
so we took a picture for the ad too.
We had a great time and a very nice family outing!
(Kendall, at back-left lined up as running back on offense)
The Parmerlee Tournament was held Saturday where all teams get three short scrimmages against other teams within their age division with a 15 minute time limit. The Bears looked pretty good for their first live action playing both Offense and Defense with flags.
(Kendall surrounded by Tigers carries the ball for a short gain)
With his speed -Kendall is lining up as running back on offense and getting quite a few carries. He really likes to get outside the line and run in the open field. He is so small he gets lost when he runs up the middle. He has learned a lot and been able to put the information from practices to actual game scenarios after getting to go against another team.
(Kendall and Luke block on a sweep to the right side,
the play resulted in a touchdown. Go Bears!)
Defensively, he started at Right Cornerback but seems to get isolated out there to easily so this week Coach has decided to move his speed in to the Defensive End position where he can watch the ball and get a good jump and get into the backfield as they are handing it off. It should be a good move as long as they don't put some big lineman accross the line to slow him down.
The regular season starts Friday night under the lights
at Hidden Valley Park.
Lizzy headed off to Brittany Hill Middle School to start Sixth Grade this morning. She met the bus an hour earlier than when she was going to the Elementary, but didn't seem to mind getting up a little earlier. She too has had her first day of school outfit picked out forever, she looked beautiful as she headed off to the bus stop this morning with a few of her friends from the neighborhood. I am sure that she will handle the challenges of the new school schedule and routine well - and I know that she is looking forward to having her own locker that she can decorate with her style.
Coach has not made any definite playing position decisions yet, but he has a couple of the boys playing the same positions during practice night after night. On Offense I think we have a starting Center, Quarterback, and two Running Backs - the rest are going to rotate around on the line. So far Kendall has been starting at Tailback so he should get to carry the ball quite a bit - his main play is "I-Dive-Left." He also likes the "I-Sweep-Right" but he doesn't carry the ball on that one so he has to get out and block on that particular play so it's not quite as fun. After seeing Kendall throw the ball at practice last night, coach may try to sneak in a Halfback Pass at some point in the season - he says that if he can find someone that can catch it that we may have to use that trick play on occasion. Defensively we are quick, he has the three fastest boys lining up as Linebacker and the two corners to attack the ball carrier. Kendall has been starting as the Right Cornerback for now and made me so proud last night at practice by getting so many flags that I let him decide where we were going to eat out as a treat. He is having a blast and he just smiles from ear to ear when he makes a defensive play or gets past the defense when he is carrying the ball. It should be a fun year to watch them learn the game.
Go Bears!
Lizzy and six of her friends hosted a year-end party this afternoon
where they invited a total of about 40 of their classmates
to Celebrate the end of Elementary School. The boys brought a
bag of Chips and the Girls brought a bag of Candy to have during
the party and we had lemonade and water to keep them cool.
We had a friend of ours DJ the party and lead them through
some dances to get them involved. I think the Electric Slide,
YMCA and the Macarena were the most accepted and the boy-girl
dances were the flop - I guess they were scared of each other....?
Anyway, I think everyone had a good time and we
enjoyed watching the kids have fun! Congratulations Kids - and Have a Safe Summer!
Lizzy had her DARE Graduation at Lucy Franklin Elementary on May 23rd
Congratulations Lizzy!
Keep up the hard work - we are so Proud of YOU!!!