Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eagles vs. Brigade

 The first week of the West Central Youth Football League found the 3rd Grade Eagles matching up with the Blue Springs Brigade.  It started very sloppy as there were several players that were confused at where they needed to be on Offense and Defense. After the first quarter things started to take shape and they looked a little more comfortable.  Defensively we looked really good, which is kinda weird since we haven't really had much practice going against another offense in practice but I guess they swarm to the ball pretty well.  Offensively things came together in the second half when we stuck to the basics.  Kendall had a great game - he had several nice runs, caught a beautiful pass and even covered up an onside kick.  Coach has him doing about everything from playing wingback where he gets to carry the ball, catch the ball, and block to being back for punts and kickoff's and holding for the extra point kick.
On the last play of regulation, one of our players was able to run for about 50 yards but was brought down at about the 7 yard line to end regulation.  The Brigade got the ball first in overtime and was unable to advance the ball in fact our defense was able to push them back about 20 yards in their four attempts.  On our posession in overtime, we attempted two runs up the middle without success and on third down the runningback was able to get wide and break about three tackles before ending up in the endzone for the winning touchdown.  Go Eagles!!!  1-0

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