Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Homecoming Festivities started Friday night with the football game against Fort Osage.  The game was very close through the first half and then the Wildcats made some adjustments at the half and took over the game in the second half for the big win. Papa Bob and Grandma Cindy flew in from New Mexico just in time to bundle up and watch Lizzy cheer.
Saturday morning was the Homecoming - Fall Fun Fest Parade and even though the weather didn't cooperate, the girls had a very nice float and represented the High School very well. We all had a good time sitting in the rain for the parade.

Saturday evening was the Homecoming Dance and Lizzy gathered to do some pictures with a few of her friends prior to going out to Olive Garden for dinner before the dance. Again, I don't know what happened to my little girl - she has become quite the young lady over the past few months.  As you can see, she looked absolutely beautiful in her Homecoming Dress.

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