Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eagles vs. Clinton Cardinals

Week two paired another even matchup between the Grain Valley Eagles and the Clinton Cardinals. It was another very cool night with the rain holding off until minutes after the game was over.  Papa Bob and Grandma Cindy happened to be here from New Mexico and were able to make this game to see their grandson in action. Kendall was selected as a captain of this game.  The Eagles looked much better on both sides of the ball but just made a few mental mistakes that cost us the win.  Kendall had a 65 yard run that got called back on a hold that happened about 20 yards behind the ball. In the fourth quarter the defense stopped the Clinton running back and one of our defenders stripped the ball and ran it in for a touchdown and then the referee called it back and said his knee was down prior to the strip.  Well, it wasn't even close - but that's how it goes sometimes and that's how it ended.  1-1 after the second week.

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