Kendall has started football practice getting ready for another season but there will be some changes. We have switched leagues and will be playing in the Grain Valley Athletic Association Youth Football League this year. Luckily, we had a few friends from his former team in Blue Springs join us in going to the new league and all ended up on the same team. I have been super impressed with everything so far from the organization and facilities to the coaches, etc. I think our boys have learned more about the fundamentals of football in the first three weeks of practice this year than they learned the first few seasons with our previous team.
Originally I was concerned that our new boys wouldn't get as much playing time since the team was mostly comprised of players that played for this coach for a couple of years already. After the first few practices I learned differently as our boys were showing them how hard they can work and what talented athletes they are. If fact I think all three boys will be in the starting lineup come opening day.
This week in practice they boys were treated to a fun event where coach made a mud pit and they got to tackle and chase a loose ball in the mud. As some of the boys really enjoyed that - Kendall was not a huge fan - he doesn't like to get all dirty like most boys. He still had fun and joined in.
After the parents spent the night cleaning up their muddy gear, the next practice was spent in a preseason scrimmage with the Storm football team from Blue Springs. It was an eye opener as we found out where our strengths and weaknesses are and we will have a couple of weeks to improve and build on those before our first game.
Quarterback Sack |
Carrying the ball up the middle |
Getting loose on the outside |
I have designed a website for the team if you want to check it out on occasion to see what they are up to. You can check it out at and use the password "eagles" to view the pictures, schedule, etc.